Joseph – Police Entrance Exam

"Hey! I'm Joseph Daley.

I've been interested being a police officer for a really long time. Now, my father was a cop and my Granddad was one as well, so it's something I always wanted to do. I've been really passion about it but I noticed when I came to applying for the police, one of the major head was my maths because they are gonna test me on, my maths ability and I had to do a test and since high school I noticed that my maths slipped a little bit and I needed someone to help through that because I wasn't be able to do it on my own. I've just been through searching just on internet and I think there was a friend mentioned to me that EMT, and So I decided check out the website and had a look at everything they offered and through them I've been able to pick up my maths and it's helped me so much. Without EMT, I honestly I wouldn't be able to pass the test, I've been successful and I'm passing my maths test in Police Now! So, That's Awesome and honestly without EMT’s help I wouldn't be able to do it on my own! And yeah I'm really really grateful the way that they teach us so, they can adapt you to the style of learning which is what I found out actually it's great and made it easy for me …. And Yeah my maths was never been great in the first place but I could sat better even now than it was studying through high school .. I'm 20 .. yeah it's helping me a lot I've now come out of the other end of police test, then I've passed everything; I've been successful and it sure make testing a lot easier for me .. Yeah I'm really grateful, thanks to EMT I've been to succeed and it helped me a lot."

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